Being Active

For support on how to stay fit and active please see the pages below

Buzz Manchester

An NHS Health & Wellbeing Service whose aim is to help improve your health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester, to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier,...

Dancing, Gardening, Yoga and more

There are many local groups that involve physical activity and which welcome newcomers. Why not rekindle an old hobby or sport, or try something new? Singing is exercise too! Most...

Little Box Gym

There is a local family-run community gym near St Werburgh’s Road tram stop: “The Gym For People Who Don’t Do Gyms” Website:

Macmillan Connections South Manchester Walks

A range of walks for people affected by cancer and their friends and families. Walks are free and friendly. Website:

Manchester Girls Can

Manchester Girls Can is for all Manchester Women who fancy giving it a go, no matter how good they are or how they look! Fear of judgement is stopping many...

Manchester Health Walks

The Manchester Health walks are free, open to all and are very accessible. We are keen to support people with long term health conditions, those looking to get and keep...

MCRactive - Get active in Manchester

The site is delivered through a collaboration and partnership between Manchester City Council and Eastlands Trust. Two like-minded and passionate organisations who share a vision, passion and commitment for this...


Meetup is a social website collection of get-togethers and you can search for local Manchester Meetups in topics including sport and activity. It is organised around one simple idea: when...

NHS Couch to 5k

Find out more and download the nine-week set of Couch to 5K podcasts. Website:

NHS Weekly Activity Guidance

View information on physical activity guidelines. Website:

Park Lives

From buggy bootcamp, lunchtime workout, walk to run, family circuits, tai chi… FREE activities in our local parks with several regularly on at Alexandra Park, Whalley Range. Website:

Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit

The toolkit has been designed by the RCGP in partnership with Sport England, to be used by primary care professionals in the UK. Website:

That Counts!

It doesn’t have to be great feats of endurance, running marathons or pumping iron, you can choose your own moves! It could be dancing around the kitchen, jumping in puddles...

Want to get more active?

Get help and advice from NHS including 10 Minute workouts, 12 week fitness plan, running & cycling for beginners and much more. Website:

Zion & Kath Locke Centres

Community centres with activities, courses and classes including kundalini yoga and Qigong. Zion Centre Kath Locke Centre

Date published: 4th December, 2020
Date last updated: 4th December, 2020