

To request an appointment Please get in touch using the askmyGP service any weekday from 7.00am (until we reach capacity at about 11.00am) When you get in touch, we’ll ask...

Community physiotherapy self-referral

By filling in this form, you can refer yourself directly to the community physiotherapy service without having to see a doctor first. Tip: You can find your NHS number online

Contact us

Phone number Reception: 0161 860 4400 Phones open between 8.00am to 12pm and 1pm to 6.30pm each day. Contact us online using askmyGP Address 365 Wilbraham Road Whalley Range Manchester...

Dentist - Visit a local dentist

Urgent Dental Care Service 0333 332 3800 08:00 to 22:00, 7 days a week More information about urgent care dentists Follow this link to find your local dentist  

Non-NHS services

Most of the services your Doctor provides for you are supplied under the National Health Service. There are, however, some letters, reports and other documents which are not covered by...

Online services

1. Use askmyGP service to message the practice You can use the askmyGP service to message the practice team about any matter and we will respond as quickly as we...

Repeat prescriptions

To request a repeat prescription or raise a query about your medication Use the askmyGP service Use the Evergreen Life app Use the Evergreen Life website Use the Patient Access service Use...

Sick notes

Do I need a sick note? You only need a doctor’s note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than seven calendar days. Go to the...

Test results

Please contact us using the askmyGP service for test results (eg blood, urine, x-rays). To ensure confidentiality, we only release results to the patient, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed...


Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.

Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 1st August, 2022